Joe Biden Just Made the World a More Dangerous Place
Since everything is so chaotic, and developments are happening literally by the hour, I don’t see enough people considering the medium and long-term ramification, and they are not pretty.
The short version is that Joe Biden has made the world an immeasurably more dangerous place than it was a month ago.
What we can look forward to in the medium term is this: the Taliban will keep some number of Americans as “guests,” saying it’s for their own “safety.” Then, they will create a special new “exit visa” that the American government will have to pay to extract each guest. Ten million a head. Or a hundred million. Perhaps a billion? The Taliban follow the news, and they know full well that Biden is about to spend trillions of dollars of money he doesn’t have. What’s another hundred billion or so?
He will pay it, of course.
But here’s what comes after.
The Chinese and the Russians will start bidding aggressively for the Taliban’s affections. Their largesse will not come with strings attached like gender equity mandates. “Want to make sex slaves out of 12-year-old girls? Have at it, Mustaffa…”
The Taliban, not being stupid, will play these two powers off each other to maximize their riches. This is on top of the billions Joe Biden will have already sent over in ransom (perhaps even on palettes). To the highest bidders, the Taliban will also auction off the most desirable American weapons of war, especially those “smart” systems with our proprietary software management programs. Everything will be reverse engineered down to the last screw and line of code.
Eventually, either China or Russia will become the Taliban’s key strategic partner. My money is on China, because they are eyeing Afghanistan’s mineral wealth, particularly the lithium deposits and critical rare earth minerals that are important elements in technology products. They will build Afghanistan all sorts of nice things in exchange for lots of strategic resources that a bunch of stone age tribes couldn’t care less about, but that we, and the Chinese, care a great deal about.
But that’s not even the bad part. China has demonstrated its clear interest in destabilizing the West by any means possible (same with Russia, should they come out on top). They do not view us as partners in growth. They are communists, so everything is zero sum. The problem is that militant Islam also wants to destabilize the West. Interests are aligned.
So, here’s how it plays out. China will quietly encourage 9–11-style attacks on the West, but this time, it won’t be box cutters. The Taliban/ISIS/al Qaeda — whomever it is, but let’s face it, they’re all basically in bed together where the West is concerned — will be able to choose from a robust set of tactical options. Want some bio weapons, perhaps some anthrax? How about some high-tech drones to deliver the anthrax down Broadway? Or maybe use some “cyber weapons” to attack America’s infrastructure?
It’s a perfect scenario for China, because Muslim extremists will be more than happy to take credit. China will lurk in the background, claiming ignorance. Everyone will know their involvement, but it won’t matter. The Western media will cover for them, just like they’ve covered for the Wuhan Virology Lab and the WHO. Joe Biden, if he’s still president, will firmly do what he’s told by all the monied interests like Nike, the NBA, Hollywood, etc., and deny China’s culpability. (And let’s not forget that $1.5 billion investment in Hunter’s “hedge fund”).
But it’s not just China.
The rest of the world, too, has taken Joe Biden’s measure and found him wanting. A weak man, years beyond his even-then-limited mental capacity. Feckless, yet stubborn. Committed, like Obama before him, to an American decline that he not only sees as inevitable, but necessary, desirable even. Thus, he has deliberately created an immense and sudden vacuum in the state of global affairs, and nothing could be more dangerous.
Plans are being hatched by bad people everywhere. China will no doubt send “peacekeeping” troops into Taiwan, annexing it as they have Hong Kong. Iran is casting a malicious eye towards Israel. North Korea? Who knows what they might pull in the face of an America withdrawing from the stage. Even smaller players like Cuba and Venezuela must be considering ways to make mischief.
Not all scenarios will play out, but some will, and the result will be violence and American lives lost, followed by less freedom in the world. Worse, we will not be able to rely on our partners. They are spitting mad over the way we handled Afghanistan and will not readily follow us into the breach next time.
We are entering a very, very dangerous time in human history, one that could have been avoided altogether if not for the ineptitude and moral failings of someone the majority of America willingly voted for.
Joe Biden, the Great Unifier, has become the Great Destroyer.
Pro Tip: buy stock in defense contractors.