How Now, Democrats?

Scott Johnston
3 min readFeb 11, 2024


I don’t blog about something unless I have something that is (hopefully) original to say, which is why I don’t blog a lot. In the world of contemporary politics, especially, it is very difficult to have an original thought. There are literally thousands of pundits out there.

Today, I have an original thought. (At least, I think it is. I don’t read everything.) I’ll get to that thought in a moment.

This was a remarkable week in Washington as the left and the media were shocked, shocked to discover what all of us already knew, that Joe Biden is a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Actually, they did know. Of course they did. The shock was that their own Justice Department said the quiet part out loud. Merrick, you idiot, don’t you read these things before they go out?

My guess is, the conversation went like this:

Garland: So, there are no charges against the president, right?

Special Counsel Hur: Yes, sir.

Garland: Good job Ben — I mean Robert. Release the report.

Garland probably threw up on his shoes when he heard the details later. The half-life of Robert Hur’s career can now be measured in nanoseconds.

These events have elevated the “Joe” problem to Defcon One. Various solutions include invoking the 25th Amendment, but that would result in…Kamala.

You see, it isn’t just “what do we do about Joe?” it’s also “what do we do about Kamala?”

There’s so much hand wringing in Democrat circles that I hear the Beltway has run out of salve. Things would be so much easier if she weren’t around. They could just slide in the next guy (or non-binary person, or whatever).

But Kamala cannot be simply disappeared. The woke wing would throw a tantrum befitting of their juvenile status.

So, while I am loathe to ever make suggestions to help the Democrats, the answer to their problems is one I haven’t heard. It involves the following steps:

  1. Joe steps down for health reasons sometime around the convention. Dr. Dr. Dr. Jill will have to be talked into this, of course, but at this point things are so bad I believe it could happen.
  2. Gavin Newsom rides in as the party’s savior at the convention. Democrats and the media rally around Newsom in all the excitement. The weight of having to make excuses for “Old Joe” is off their backs. Note that Newsom deftly manages to avoid the scrutiny of a primary season — an important step, given that his record in California is indefensible.
  3. Here’s the lynchpin: Because Biden resigned instead of riding things out till January, Kamala gets to be president for a few months. This is her payoff. She’ll be the first blah, blah, blah. Picture on stamps, statues, children’s books on the presidents. Giant speaking fees and book deals later. No one could take it away from her.

Step three is what I hear no one discussing and it’s the only answer to “what to do” about Kamala. She’s an idiot and cannot be allowed near the Supreme Court (despite the precedent for idiots already having been set with Sotomayor). She’s already been a senator and no need to get Adam Schiff pissed.

The Dems will figure that they can hide her at Camp David for a few months, trot her out for a few speeches, and maybe keep her finger away from the button. They certainly won’t let her near the Newsom campaign.

This is a very dangerous scenario for the GOP because Newsom is a dangerous man. He can lie to your face and you know he’s lying, he knows he’s lying, but those teeth! That hair! They all lie, so we might as well have a charming liar, right?

Anyway, tell me I’m wrong.



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