How Did Hunter Biden Get into Yale Law School?

Scott Johnston
3 min readFeb 12, 2021


Do you know how hard it is to get into Yale Law School? The admission rate is 6.9%. By comparison, Harvard Law is twice as easy. It’s also tiny, with only 200 slots available each year.

Do you know how hard it is to transfer to Yale Law? Forget about it. Even harder. Typically, only about ten students a year are accepted. It goes without saying you’d have to be at the very top of whatever law you were transferring from, and even then it wouldn’t be a layup.

Which raises the question; how exactly did Hunter Biden pull this off?

You probably didn’t even know he went there. It doesn’t come up much.

Here are the facts:

  • Biden arrived as a transfer in the fall 1994. This means…
  • He was accepted sometime in the winter/spring that same year
  • The Dean of Yale Law at that time was Guido Calabrese
  • It was well known that Calabrese’s ambition was to serve on the federal bench
  • On February 9th, 1994, Bill Clinton nominated Calabrese to the 2nd Circuit, where he still serves
  • Chairing the Judiciary Committee at that time — the man responsible for confirming Calabrese’s nomination — was none other than Joe Biden.
  • Calabrese sailed through the process

Those are the facts. I do not have Hunter’s transcripts from Georgetown undergrad or his first year of law school there, but he’s not exactly known as a scholar. Is it possible Biden was first in his law school class and had near perfect board scores? I suppose. But I would bet my net worth it wasn’t the case. I know people who knew him then and they say he was more arrogant than anything else. His life since does not evince one of intellect.

That’s putting it kindly.

So, there’s no smoking gun, no absolute proof that a slot at America’s most elite law school was traded for a federal judgeship. But the circumstantial evidence raises serious questions, the kind the mainstream media won’t ask anymore when it inconveniences Democrats.

There’s also a pattern of quid quo pro that seems follow the Biden family wherever it goes.

It’s worth noting that the Ivies are very much part of the swamp. It’s a cozy relationship. Yale, for its part, gets the better part of a billion dollars a year from the federal government. Also, there is a definite pattern of prominent Democrats getting their kids — somehow! — into Ivy Leage schools. Tucker Carlson did an entire piece on this. It ‘s worth a watch.

Edit: I’m going to anticipate one of the objections to this piece, which is Yale is a private institution, so it can admit whomever it likes. First, this would be true if they didn’t accept federal money. Second, the example of accepting a rich kid in exchange for a large donation — one I know will be thrown at me — is quite different from giving a coveted space up in exchange for a personal favor. In the first instance, all of Yale benefits fro the donation. In the second instance, it does not.



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